Giving to the parish
There are three main ways to give financially to the parish to support the life, ministry and buildings in the parish:
One-off donations to the parish can be made on-line using KindLink which can be gift-aided. Click on the Donate button on the right of the website for general giving.
Donations for Gift Days can be made from our Missions page.
Donations can be given via CAF or other similar methods. Our charity number is 1127922.
Regular donations can be made using in one of 3 ways:
Parish Giving Scheme, an efficient way of giving monthly which can be gift-aided
Standing Order - forms are available for each church here or at the back of each church to complete and return to the bank or to use to set a standing order using your online banking
Blue envelopes - a scheme where you are given a set of blue envelopes and which you can out in the collection each week. Email Eliot Johnson for more information
Legacies - leaving a legacy in your will to the parish will help sustain the ministry of our churches and can be used for important building projects or funding new initiatives. Where possible please do not restrict your will to a specific church or purpose so it can be used most effectively.
contact us for more information on any of these schemes or if you don't want to go online to join the Parish Giving Scheme call 0333 002 1271.
We have just launched our Shining Brighter appeal.