Sunday Services

We have weekly services in each church according to the service pattern below. We also livestream a service every week.

Service Times - check our calendar for any specific week or see latest events for major festivals.

Week of
each month
Worship SP
St Peter’s
Worship SM
St Mark’s
Worship AS
All Souls’
1st Sunday 10am     Holy Communion
with Sunday School
11am  Morning Worship 9.30am  Morning Worship
2nd Sunday  10am     All-age Worship
5/6.30pm Evening Prayer *
11am  Holy Communion
9.30am  Holy Communion
3rd Sunday  10am     Holy Communion
with Sunday School
11am  Said Morning Worship
4.30pm Wild Church
9.30am  Morning Worship BCP
4th Sunday  10am     Morning Worship
 10am    Energise for families
            (in Church Centre)
5/6.30pm Holy Communion *
11am  Morning Worship 9.30am  Morning Worship
5th Sunday   Parish United Service - see calendar for time and location
5/6.30pm Evening Prayer at St Peter's

Our morning services use Common Worship liturgy unless specified
* Our evening services use the Book of Common Prayer. They are at 6.30pm from April-September and 5pm from October-March
Wild Church helps all ages to encounter God through nature using the grounds of St Mark's, followed by a shared meal
Energise is a lively service especially for families with young children, though all are welcome, held in the Church Cente at the same time as Morning Worship in the Church