Sunday Services
We have weekly services in each church according to the service pattern below. We also livestream a service every week.
Service Times - check our
calendar for any specific week or see
latest events for major festivals.
Week of
each month |

St Peter’s |

St Mark’s |

All Souls’ |
1st Sunday |
10am Holy Communion
with Sunday School |
11am Morning Worship |
9.30am Morning Worship |
2nd Sunday |
10am All-age Worship
5/6.30pm Evening Prayer * |
11am Holy Communion
9.30am Holy Communion |
3rd Sunday |
10am Holy Communion
with Sunday School |
11am Morning Worship
4.30pm Wild Church |
9.30am Morning Worship BCP |
4th Sunday |
10am Morning Worship
10am Energise for families
(in Church Centre)
5/6.30pm Holy Communion * |
11am Morning Worship |
9.30am Morning Worship |
5th Sunday |
Parish United Service - see calendar for time and location
5/6.30pm Evening Prayer at St Peter's |
Our morning services use Common Worship liturgy unless specified
* Our evening services use the Book of Common Prayer. They are at 6.30pm from April-September and 5pm from October-March
Wild Church helps all ages to encounter God through nature using the grounds of St Mark's, followed by a shared meal
Energise is a lively service especially for families with young children, though all are welcome, held in the Church Cente at the same time as Morning Worship in the Church